Recycling and Sustainability

Love a bit of sunny solar power? Keeping the planet clean & green for our future generations? Recycling to your hearts content!

Right on Foxies!! At Fox Wardrobes & Cabinetry we love the environment and strive to keep our den and business running in the most efficient way we can. We’re all about recycling, reducing waste and sustainability!

A little about our Foxy selves

Recycling and sustainability are super important to us! Fox wardrobes started running the business off approximately 90% solar power in 2020. To really get our den up to speed we replaced all of our office and factory lighting with energy efficient LED lighting. With these business changes and investments we are saving the equivalent of 22,057 litres of petrol per year / 25,068 kg of coal per year / planting 1,328 trees per year and this is just the beginning!

We worked with our major supplier Polytec to find a way to re-purpose and recycle our offcuts. Thanks to our amazing supplier and a change in process in the factory we now send around 40% of our waste back to the manufacturer to be used for new product! We also recycle 100% of our soft plastics, aluminium and cardboard waste. All of these items are diverted away from landfill to be re-purposed and re-used.

How do we do sustainability?

Fox Wardrobes is serious about using eco-friendly materials. No toxic finishes or dodgy wood here. We use low VOC finishes and nontoxic board material because we care about our clients wellbeing and the planet. We’re pretty much like the Batman and Robin of wardrobe construction, fighting against harmful materials, chemicals and the norm of how wardrobes manufacturing are currently being done.

Fox manufacture in house locally at the northern beaches to maintain control over our sustainability processes. At our factory we installed a state of the art dust extraction system, this not only keeps our team safe but saves all the saw dust flying around in the environment. Our production process utilises a computer drawing program to get precise cutting done on our CNC machine. This helps minimise waste to the MAX!

Last but not least, Fox Wardrobes makes sure our products last longer than your average Hollywood marriage. We don’t believe in fast fashion or disposable cabinetry. At Fox we make wardrobes and cabinetry that are built to last, because we’re not just building a product – we’re creating space for what you value!

Our mission is to lead the way for recycling!

By 2030, our goal is to find a solution to recycling MDF board or use a different substrate which can be recycled safely (we believe this is an industry wide issue because it isn’t currently able to be recycled safely) and to find a cost efficient solution to change Fox fleet from petrol/gas to electricity. Stay tuned for progress updates on our sustainability mission, you can keep up to date here Our sustainable vision. We hope all businesses in trade will try to implement similar programs and processes! 

On that note, we’ll leave you with this!

Basically, Fox Wardrobes is the MVP of sustainability in the wardrobe & cabinetry making world. We’re like the Avengers of eco-friendliness, using our powers for good and saving the planet one wardrobe at a time. If you want a wardrobe that’s stylish, sustainable, and environmentally-friendly, check out some of our previous projects for inspiration. You won’t regret it, and Mother Earth will give you a big hug! We hope we’ve inspired you to be kind to the environment and the world around you! 🌿👕