Fox Wardrobes Collaroy Project

The power of 8 – our customer service guarantee

Once you have decided exactly where your new wardrobe will go, it’s time to call in the professionals to get the job started. But where to begin? For many people, once they have parted with their money and signed on the line, a common complaint is that customer service and after-care seem non-existent. At Fox Wardrobes, we are entirely different – and here’s 8 reasons why.

The number 8 has traditionally held significant properties in many cultures. In itself, the number 8 is balanced and ordered. It also represents new beginnings and regeneration. At Fox Wardrobes, we pride ourselves on delivering a balanced customer service with 100% satisfaction delivered from the outset. We believe our customers are partners for life and we treat them accordingly. That’s why we have a detailed 8-point service guarantee that shows you exactly what you can expect when you work with us – giving you all the confidence you need to choose Fox as your partner of choice.

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How to hygge your bedroom in 5 easy steps

Life can be pretty hectic. Whether it’s jobs, schools, children or sport we spend a lot of time rushing around between one task and the next. Because of the way we live, it’s really important that our homes provide a place of calm, comfort and serenity. Home is the one place we can happily snuggle up feeling cosy and secure, where we know we can be just ourselves surrounded by those closest to us. Finding the time to make your nesting space feel magazine-worthy is another matter entirely – and it can often become another source of stress just thinking about how to find the time to buy and organise everything you need to help you de-stress. Even reading that is stressful! If you are that person, you need some hygge in your life. It just doesn’t get any simpler.

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5 bedroom storage hacks you need to know

It’s no secret that the average Sydney house size is getting smaller and smaller, and with property prices still up there at healthy levels many families are looking to apartment living or downsizing simply to enjoy the beautiful area. So if you are finding your bedroom a little on the compact and bijou side, you’re definitely not alone – and it doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your storage space either. At a time when styles are ever changing and product is more widely available, there is little wonder we’re all struggling to house our belongings in an orderly fashion. Despite a thorough Marie Kondo and all sorts of sparked joy, somehow there still never seems to be enough room – or the right sort of space – for what we need to accommodate. The answer? It’s all in the smart storage.

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Cleanse Your Wardrobe the Marie Kondo Way

Cleanse your wardrobe space the Marie Kondo way

If you haven’t been sparking serious amounts of joy in your home recently, there’s some urgent Netflix homework that needs doing. Ever since Japanese minimalist Marie Kondo swooped in to our lives Mary Poppins-style, the latest storage obsession has been to cleanse, rejuvenate and restore using a series of helpful measures designed to – you guessed it – spark joy. Here’s how.Read more

6 of the best wardrobe accessories

6 of the best wardrobe accessories

Well-organised storage is the key to eternal happiness, right? Well, while we can’t exactly promise bliss ad infinitum, it’s certainly true that a good range of useful accessories tucked neatly inside your wardrobe can make life a whole lot easier. And best of all gives you the time to do the things that really matter. That’s a Foxy win-win!

Here’s 6 of the very best in wardrobe accessories that will make the most of your wardrobe space and get your life back on to easy street.

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5 ways to get the wardrobe you want

5 ways to get the wardrobe you want

After the bed the wardrobe is the next most important item to consider in the bedroom space. Unfortunately it can be an utterly confusing task trying to work out exactly what it is you need. Back on the plus side, there are a prolific amount of wardrobe options available – from wall to ceiling built-in robes, to trendy open storage hanging rails. But for many of us time-poor wardrobe-hunters it can be a daunting task that just keeps ending up back in the ‘too-hard’ basket. Well that basket is about to be completely emptied. Want to discover the right wardrobe for your bedroom? These 5 top tips will explain just how to get the wardrobe you want.

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How to? Bedrooms and kitchens

How to? Bedrooms and kitchens

What is it about the opportunity to start from a completely blank sheet that makes your mind just freeze? There’s nothing more intimidating than having the opportunity to map out your dream kitchen or bedroom – and simply not knowing where to begin. Whilst we might not have the immediate design solution at our fingertips, what we do know is that kitchens and bedrooms are amongst the key factors that can make or break a house on the property market, so it’s really important to get these areas just right.  If you ever get the chance to influence the layout and design – be sure to grab it with both hands! Not sure where to start? Here’s how.Read more

Wardrobes to fit or not?

Wardrobes: to fit, or not to fit?

Jostling for conversational space alongside Trump, Brexit and the latest Sea Eagles score-line, the great wardrobe debate continues to rage at any half-decent dinner party. Wardrobes: To fit, or not to fit?
If you’re thinking of planning a new home for your clothes and shoes any time soon and can’t decide the best way to give them the quality wardrobe surrounds they truly deserve, stay put. This is the article you have been waiting for.

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Shop local (and save the world)

We Aussies are known around the world for our fair-go attitudes, our relaxed way of life, and for the unwavering support we give to our local communities. We are all about quality over quantity, and commercial authenticity hugely impacts our shopping habits. There’s a pretty good reason why you don’t see many Starbucks surviving on the Aussie High Street. But this doesn’t all happen by accident. Here’s why it’s so important to think globally, but act locally to keep that Aussie individuality alive and kicking.

Money makes money

Simply ‘buying local’ has more knock-on effects than you might first think. The money we spend locally generally goes back into other small businesses creating a circular effect which fuels the local economy. This allows the immediate community to thrive and benefit – as well as generating more neighbourhood jobs. The competition and diversity injected from lots of small businesses stimulates innovation and helps keeps prices down.

Go green

Who doesn’t want to help save the world? It’s a no-brainer that if we buy products more locally it helps to reduce our carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels. Being able to walk to local stores without getting in the car positively impacts the local air quality as well as traffic volumes, and by buying food locally we also help reduce the food miles involved transporting goods long distance.

Keeping it real

Big companies are all too often just faceless brands with big marketing budgets, answerable only to shareholders and board members. Local businesses are run by very real people with real families and real needs. These are the neighbours that you might meet on the street, these are the people who have actual visibility on your local area and the daily challenges you face as a community – and these are the people who are invested in your local area and community welfare.

Personal touch

The huge advantage of shopping locally is actually that personalised customer service we experience, something that only comes as a direct result of local market knowledge and understanding. Rather than stocking an inventory based simply on wider trends, locally you will find product that is geared to real community needs rather than off the shelf quick fixes. Local business owners have the knowhow and experience to deliver us bespoke solutions, as well as the personality and character to make our shopping experience one to remember and recommend.

Shaping the community

Rather than every High Street looking exactly the same, a sprinkling of local businesses helps to define and differentiate an area – which in turn helps shape the surrounding community. These individual businesses can contribute to improved tourism and financial wellbeing, as well as popularity and growth.

Solutions based

When it all goes a bit wrong, which sometimes it does, it makes so much more of a difference to have a friendly face to talk to rather than tackle an automated phone service – probably nowhere near where you actually purchased your product. This is how the true calibre of an organisation can be measured. It’s about prioritising real people over purse-strings, not just the end of year sales results.

5 ways to access everything you need, right when you need it!

5 ways to access everything you need, right when you need it!

Spring is in the air, the beaches are filling fast, it’s time to switch out heaters for fans and dig out those thongs. Or is it? Forget Melbourne, Sydney weather is right up there when it comes to unpredictability. Just when you think you’re home and dry, everything changes and you’re back hunting out those hoodies and boots.Read more